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Peter was on a committee to ensure that Rev. Hale was delivered wood to his house by the "last second day" (last Monday) of October. (14 Sep 1669, Municipal Documents of the City of Beverly, Massachusetts (Beverly:1896),395. Constable, 29 July 1679.

     This family name in the 17th and early 18th centuries is spelled variously depending on the document and the gravestone. There were varying degrees of literacy, even among town clerks and ministers. Spelling was fluid and often reflected phonetics, but the prevailing spelling amongst family members was decidedly "Woodbery." Since there is no ambiguity about this, I see no reason not to use it. I do so with the note that other spelling were used, uncommonly by Woodberys themselves, more commonly by others. This spelling eventually shifted to "Woodberry," and now "Woodbury" is favored.Peter Woodberry - Peter Woodbury


children of Peter Woodbery and Abigail Bachelder:

i. Peter, b. 12 December 1666

children of Peter Woodbery and Sarah Dodge:

ii. Sarah, b. 12 December 1668
iii. Abigail, b. 13 April 1671
iv. Ann, bap. 25 May 1674
v. Martha, bap. 27 May 1677
vi. Jerusha, bap. 8 February 1679/80
vii. Josiah, b. 15 June 1682
viii. Rebecca, b. 25 December 1684
ix. Priscilla, b. 23 June 1687

vital records sources: Peter's death is from Vital Records of Beverly, Massachusetts to the Year 1849 vol. 2 (Topsfield:1907), 617.


all text and photographs © 1998-2020 by Doug Sinclair unless where otherwise noted